Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Nerd Content! Andy

You may not notice, but the blog address has changed. http://abcjfamily.blogspot.com/ will continue to work, it will just redirect you to the new... easy to remember http://blog.bandjos.com/

Extra credit for anyone who can figure out what "bandjos" is all about...


rd said...

BeckyANDJOSlin BANDJOS am i right?

rd said...

i missed a letter..


Adam, Jackie, Owen, & Alaina said...

I think it means that you guys are going to have enough people in your cute little family to start a BAND - like the Brady bunch or the Partridge Family or maybe even the Osmonds! ha-ha! :) What does it really stand for?!?
Nice try Dan - you could be the winner!

Andy said...

Dang Dan... that's ALOT better than what I had...

I guess you win.

rd said...

thank you, thank you, thank you...