Andy's mom & dad took me & Cammie to the Fair on a Tuesday afternoon. We actually spent four hours there which was way beyond what I thought I could do being 3 weeks from my due date, but they left it up to me and I was enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Cammie enjoyed seeing the pig with all its baby piglets, a big cow, a little pony and hearing all the roosters. She also walked through this cute exhibit for kids where they can pick up items from crops then turn them in at the end for play money and then turn in their money for a goody bag. Then we went through the UNC TV area and took pictures with the cartoon character cut-outs.
The first picture was when we first arrived and the last was when she conked out in the stroller 4 hours later.
Monday, October 29, 2007
NC State Fair Becky
Labels: Cammie
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Nothings gonna happen yet Becky
Contractions stopped, so doesn't look like anything is going to happen yet. Thanks for looking at our blog and for your prayers! We'll keep you posted. I do still have 16 days til the actual due date and go to the doctor again this Friday.
Labels: Devon
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Curious Cammie Becky
Here she is...15 months old and learning how things work. The funniest part is me at 9 months pregnant trying to keep up with her in all her curious findings. I'm thankful for nap time! On Tuesdays we go to Pottery Barn Kids for story and play time. She loves it. They have chalk and crayons and she's just started enjoying coloring. They have these great chairs for her to climb up in with a book or puppet, and a kitchen area and doll house for her to play with. This outing was a great find for us! It gets us out of the house on Tuesday mornings when Andy works from home so he can actually get stuff done. Otherwise, Cammie knows how to open those french doors to our home office and goes in to visit him a lot!
I have to laugh at the things she does and gets in to. Some things gross me out beyond words, but I am hearing these seem to be typical behavior for lots of kids her age. Here's a few faves you might get a kick out of:
1. Putting Luke's dog food one piece at a time in his water dish so we have lots of nasty soggy dog food that he won't eat.
2. Cleaning other things with her toothbrush like the glass shower door, the laundry room floor and then it goes back in her mouth!
3. Throwing anything she can find into toilets, then sticks her hand in to get them out again.
4. Sharing her food with Luke, including letting him lick her hands and then puts them back in her mouth.So, slow momma is trying her best to catch these things before they happen, but sometimes she just gets ahead of me! She has a great little sense of humor and is learning new things daily it seems. I am currently reading "Calm My Anxious Heart" by Linda Dillow with some of the other ladies in my neighborhood. We get together and have great discussions about what we are learning from our reading. Its been good for me because it speaks about being content with who and where you are right now and not wishing you were at another stage in life or circumstances. So through uncomfortable pregnancy aches and pains and sleep deprivation, I remember to enjoy the movement and miracle of the baby boy being formed in my womb and know that this will not last long. And as I freak out about germs and my 1 year old, I am thankful to be a mom and get to witness all of this and help her learn. God has given me a great task and I will not only be content in it, but enjoy it to the fullest.
Labels: Cammie
Monday, October 1, 2007
A great idea Andy
A couple of weeks ago, we went to Red Robin for lunch. Oh look, they have free balloons for the kiddies. But how do we keep this thing from floating off when we leave the restaurant. I had a great idea! I'll tie it to Cammie's pacifier, that will be fun for everyone. As we were leaving some strangers even said, "Awe, that's cute, what a good idea!" I am awesome! even strangers can respect that! The pacifier was even heavy enough that it would not let the balloon float off. Brilliant!
So we got to the car and climbed in. So far so good. It was one of the first really nice days after the sweltering summer, so Becky and I had our windows open. But I'm pretty smart, and I got to thinking as we reached highway speeds, "Hmmm, I bet the wind could probably suck the balloon out the window", so I reached down to roll up the windows. At that point the balloon bounced around and out the window, and in a second, the pacifier whipped out the window, and the whole contraption bobbed down the highway and got tangled up in the guard rail. I looked back at Cammie, who looked really confused at this point. No crying, not laughing, just a plain, blank stare.
I felt so bad. We didn't go back for it.
Labels: Cammie